jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2016

Mexico the most beautigul culture

Well first I really want to know more Mexico because I only know Mexicali, Ensenada, Tijuana and Rosarito, but the thinks I like are the culture, I think the  Mexico have one of the most wonderful and beautiful culture all around the world because of the dress, the music, the dance, the traditions, the costum, the people, everything. I like the culture because its so colorful it make you feel happy, relax and so good with yourself.

 Resultado de imagen para mexico cultura y tradiciones  Resultado de imagen para mexico cultura y tradiciones

I like ¨El Dia de los Muertos¨ people and other countrys make festival of this day and is so beautiful it so colorful, and creative, they wear costums, they paint their faces as the death. The people make an altarple that have already death, its supose that the altar have to have the picture of the person, the things the that person used to like, have to be decorative with color blue, purple, orange, etc, its has to have sawdust path, and a black dog, some of that thins has to have.
Resultado de imagen para mexico cultura y tradiciones Resultado de imagen para mexico cultura y tradiciones

I also like the day of the independence because of the party the people do, they get together in some place big for ¨Dar el Grito¨ the 15th of September at midnight, its like a little carnival. Some people make party at home and get together with family and friends and it pozole or tamales.

Resultado de imagen para dia de la independencia mexico Resultado de imagen para dia de la independencia mexico

The things that I dont like is the president, and the weather here in Mexicali.

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